

这种受害者思维在我们的生活中很常见。Mark Manson 在《The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck》中给出了这样一个观点:真正的幸福只有在你发现你喜欢拥有并喜欢解决的问题时才会出现。而一种人之所以过着糟糕或者自认为糟糕的人生是因为这两方面:

  1. 否认。有些人一开始就否认他们的问题存在。因为他们否认现实,他们必须不断地欺骗或分散自己对现实的注意力。这可能会让他们在短期内感觉良好,但这会导致他们的生活缺乏安全感,即而变得神经质和压抑。
  2. 受害者心态。有些人选择相信他们没有办法解决他们的问题,即使他们实际上可以。这些人试图将自己的问题归咎于他人,或归咎于外界环境。这可能会让他们在短期内感觉更好,但却导致生活充满愤怒、无助和绝望。



Whatever your problems are, the concept is the same: solve problems; be happy. Unfortunately, for many people, life doesn’t feel that simple. That’s because they fuck things up in at least one of two ways: 1.   Denial. Some people deny that their problems exist in the first place. And because they deny reality, they must constantly delude or distract themselves from reality. This may make them feel good in the short term, but it leads to a life of insecurity, neuroticism, and emotional repression. 2.   Victim Mentality. Some choose to believe that there is nothing they can do to solve their problems, even when they in fact could. Victims seek to blame others for their problems or blame outside circumstances. This may make them feel better in the short term, but it leads to a life of anger, helplessness, and despair.