Book: Range

Introduction: Roger vs. Tiger

我们都对这些说法耳熟能详:「早起的鸟儿有虫吃」,「某某某要从娃娃抓起」。老虎·伍兹就是这样的典范。文章介绍了老虎·伍兹和罗杰·费德勒两个人的成长经历,二者完全不同缺都在各自的领域上取得了成功。伍兹从很小年纪就开始了大量的 deliberate practice。但费德勒却并没有一开始就专注在网球运动上,而是有更广泛的兴趣。


体育科学家 Ross Tucker 说:

"We know that early sampling is key, as is diversity."

尽早开始是一种优势,而多样性同样是一种优势。伍兹是尽早开始的典型,二费德勒代表了后者。现在的一个难题是,尤其在中国,专业化的重要性被过分强调。「内卷」已经成为常态,而保持认知广度、多样化经历、跨学科思维、延迟注意(delayed concentration)却十分重要,并且会在更多的领域令我们脱颖而出。

Range 这本书正如其名,想要带领我们认识「广度」的重要性 。

They play a variety of sports, usually in an unstructured or lightly structured environment; they gain a range of physical proficiencies from which they can draw; they learn about their own abilities and proclivities; and only later do they focus in and ramp up technical practice in one area.

Ch1: The Cult of the Head Start

这章内容从国际象棋这项运动展开,介绍了 Lazlo Polgar 如何利用类似伍兹的方式,将他的女儿们培养成为了优秀的棋手。尽早开始进行大量的重复性精细训练(narrow specialization)这种方式在象棋或者高尔夫等领域确实是可行的。


书中将无法体现经验优势的领域称为「wicked world」。在这些领域,规则往往并不明确或者完整,缺少有规律的重复模式,反馈也往往不够及时回和准确。



humans empowered to do what they do best without the prerequisite of years of specialized pattern recognition.

the bigger the picture, the more unique the potential human contribution.

According to Gary Marcus, a psychology and neural science professor who sold his machine learning company to Uber, “In narrow enough worlds, humans may not have much to contribute much longer. In more open-ended games, I think they certainly will. Not just games, in open ended real-world problems we’re still crushing the machines.

Ch2: How the Wicked World Was Made



很多学科和专业事业过于狭窄,学生之关心如何写论文而不是思考为什么去写。广泛的思考能力是可以培训的,比如通过「费米问题」1。这类问题 通常很短,已知信息不多,需要在有限的时间,使用有限的资源,对问题进行分析给出答案。

premodern people miss the forest for the trees; modern people miss the trees for the forest.

Our most fundamental thought processes have changed to accommodate increasing complexity and the need to derive new patterns rather than rely only on familiar ones. Our conceptual classification schemes provide a scaffolding for connecting knowledge, making it accessible and flexible.

The more they had moved toward modernity, the more powerful their abstract thinking, and the less they had to rely on their concrete experience of the world as a reference point.e

Ch3: When Less of the Same Is More

figlie del coro,意思是「合唱团的女儿」,是一个音乐家群体,全部由17世纪的欧洲女性组成,对后世的管弦乐发展有着十分重要的影响。奇怪的是她们不仅没有经过专业而严格的训练,还大多是孤儿或者生理上具有缺陷。

是什么令她们具有如此出众的音乐才能呢?Epstein 在书中表示是因为她们每个人都学习过大量的不同种类的乐器,包括一些不为人知的小众乐器。

Figlie 乐团使用的这种广泛培养乐器技能的方法显然与如今的主流方式不同。它违背了刻意训练(delibrate practice)的框架——只有高度集中的训练才会学好一项技能。学习很多种乐器被认为是一种浪费时间的行为。

心理学家认为,通往卓越的最佳方式是这样:首先经历一个采样时期(sampling period),通常是轻度结构化的一些课程和广泛的乐器学习。随后缩小重点,增加结构性,开始爆发式的练习。


The sampling period is not incidental to the development of great performers—something to be excised in the interest of a head start—it is integral.

The psychologists highlighted the variety of paths to excellence, but the most common was a sampling period, often lightly structured with some lessons and a breadth of instruments and activities, followed only later by a narrowing of focus, increased structure, and an explosion of practice volume.

It’s easier for a jazz musician to learn to play classical literature than for a classical player to learn how to play jazz,” he said. “The jazz musician is a creative artist, the classical musician is a re-creative artist.

I think when you’re self-taught you experiment more, trying to find the same sound in different places, you learn how to solve problems.

Ch4 Learning, Fast and Slow



Spacing effect:The spacing effect refers in psychology to the observed phenomenon that items that are repeated during list learning are remembered better if their two presentations are spread out over time (spaced presentation) than immediately one after the other (massed presentation).

“But for learning that is both durable (it sticks) and flexible (it can be applied broadly), fast and easy is precisely the problem.”

  • “Kornell was explaining the concept of “desirable difficulties,” obstacles that make learning more challenging, slower, and more frustrating in the short term, but better in the long term. ”

“The more confident a learner is of their wrong answer, the better the information sticks when they subsequently learn the right answer. Tolerating big mistakes can create the best learning opportunities.”

“Struggling to retrieve information primes the brain for subsequent learning, even when the retrieval itself is unsuccessful. The struggle is real, and really useful. “Like life,” Kornell and team wrote, “retrieval is all about the journey.”

“Space between practice sessions creates the hardness that enhances learning.”

“For a given amount of material, learning is most efficient in the long run when it is really inefficient in the short run. ”

“Interleaving has been shown to improve inductive reasoning. ”

“Whether chemists, physicists, or political scientists, the most successful problem solvers spend mental energy figuring out what type of problem they are facing before matching a strategy to it, rather than jumping in with memorized procedures. ”

“When a knowledge structure is so flexible that it can be applied effectively even in new domains or extremely novel situations, it is called “far transfer.”

Ch5 Thinking Outside Experience

开普勒善用「隐喻」(analogy),发现了引力的存在。类比思考(Analogical thinking)是人类住在地球的根本原因,也是我们打开新世界的工具。

得到的信息越多,我们就越倾向于得到极端的结论。过多的信息缩小了我们的视野,这就是卡尼曼提出的,内部视角(inside view)与外部视角(outside view)相比的局限性。


“I especially love analogies,” he wrote, “my most faithful masters, acquainted with all the secrets of nature. . . . One should make great use of them.”

Analogical thinking takes the new and makes it familiar, or takes the familiar and puts it in a new light, and allows humans to reason through problems they have never seen in unfamiliar contexts. It also allows us to understand that which we cannot see at all.

“we need to be reminded of things that are only abstractly or relationally similar. And the more creative you want to be, the more important that is.”

If you need a large force to accomplish some purpose, but are prevented from applying such a force directly, many smaller forces applied simultaneously from different directions may work just as well.

The outside view is deeply counterintuitive because it requires a decision maker to ignore unique surface features of the current project, on which they are the expert, and instead look outside for structurally similar analogies. It requires a mindset switch from narrow to broad.

Psychologists have shown repeatedly that the more internal details an individual can be made to consider, the more extreme their judgment becomes.

successful problem solvers are more able to determine the deep structure of a problem before they proceed to match a strategy to it. Less successful problem solvers are more like most students in the Ambiguous Sorting Task: they mentally classify problems only by superficial, overtly stated features, like the domain context. For the best performers, they wrote, problem solving “begins with the typing of the problem.”

Ch6 The Throuble with Too Much Grit


苏格兰 vs 英格兰和威尔士的大学教育 广泛采样 vs 专精

了解自己比了解技能更重要。探索不仅仅是教育中异想天开的奢侈,它亦是核心的益处。Switchers are winners.

全距限制(restriction of range),是导致相关分析得出低相关结果的原因之一,指的是两个变量在进行相关分析中,由于变量内部的变异性不够,即全距不够大而导致计算出相关系数并不能真正地反映出变量间的相关关系。

Seth Godin 不同意「放弃者永不成功」这一说法。Godin 认为成功者反而退出的更快。转行,并不仅仅是缺少毅力,也可能识别到了更好的机会。

西点军校退出的人很多,并不是因为缺少毅力(grit)而是不匹配。匹配质量(match quality)很重要。


“Match quality” is a term economists use to describe the degree of fit between the work someone does and who they are—their abilities and proclivities.”

“economists had neglected the role of education in allowing individuals to delay specialization while sampling and finding out who they are and where they fit.”

“Learning stuff was less important than learning about oneself. Exploration is not just a whimsical luxury of education; it is a central benefit.”

“Winston Churchill’s “never give in, never, never, never, never” is an oft-quoted trope. The end of the sentence is always left out: “except to convictions of honor and good sense.”

“two components of grit. One is essentially work ethic and resilience, and the other is “consistency of interests”—direction, knowing exactly what one wants.”

“The more we have invested and even lost,” Konnikova wrote, “the longer we will persist in insisting it will all work out.”

Ch7 Flirting with Your Possible Selves


“She had no long-term plan, only a plan to do what was interesting or needed at the moment. “I never envisioned” is her most popular preamble.”

“Ogas uses the shorthand “standardization covenant” for the cultural notion that it is rational to trade a winding path of self-exploration for a rigid goal with a head start because it ensures stability. ”




环境法则(context principle):与其询问一个人他(她)是否坚毅,我们应该问他(她)什么时候能表现出坚毅。人始终在变化,而我们需要认识到这一点。我们只有通过生活了解自己是谁,而非过去。在实践中更能了解自己,而非理论中。

Paul Graham 也说过不停试错,在有希望的环境中工作,而不要先设好目标再工作。

「如果你把一个人代入到其适合的环境里,」奥加斯说,「他们更有可能努力工作,从表面来看也更加坚毅。」 “If you get someone into a context that suits them,” Ogas said, “they’ll more likely work hard and it will look like grit from the outside.”

Ch8 The Outsider advantage



“Bingham calls it “outside-in” thinking: finding solutions in experiences far outside of focused training for the problem itself. ”



Ch9 Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology


“Lateral thinking is a term coined in the 1960s for the reimagining of information in new contexts, including the drawing together of seemingly disparate concepts or domains that can give old ideas new uses. By “withered technology,” Yokoi meant tech that was old enough to be extremely well understood and easily available, so it didn’t require a specialist’s knowledge. ”


随着模糊性和不确定性逐渐增加——这是系统问题的常态,广度变得愈发重要。 “As ambiguity and uncertainty increases, which is the norm with systems problems, breadth becomes increasingly important.”


Ch10 Fooled by Experts


Paul Ehrlich 对于「人口爆炸」的错误预测。

对自己的认知固执己见的人,会陷入思维漩涡,预测的事情会变得更糟。类似于过滤气泡(filter bubble)局限且狭隘地思考是有害的。

眼界狭隘的刺猬「只知道一件大事」;整合者狐狸「知道许多小事」。 the narrow-view hedgehogs, who “know one big thing,” and the integrator foxes, who “know many little things.”



超级预测者像是具有蜻蜓复眼的狐狸(fox with dragonfly eyes)。

“Agreement is not what they are after; they are after aggregating perspectives, lots of them.”



Ch11 Learning to Drop Your Familiar Tools



过度学习行为(overlearned behavior):比如在空难中,即使面临巨大的变故,乘务组仍会坚持按原计划飞行。


类似 [[第五项修炼]] 中的「共同愿景」。而「不一致性」提供了变通的行为模式。它可以帮助人们发掘有用的线索,并且在必要时放弃传统的工具。

“Individuals who live by historian Arnold Toynbee’s words that “no tool is omnicompetent. There is no such thing as a master-key that will unlock all doors.” Rather than wielding a single tool, they have managed to collect and protect an entire toolshed, and they show the power of range in a hyperspecialized world.”

Ch12 Deliberate Amateurs

Smith 教授,「别把你的技术应用在老地方。带上你的技术去解决新的问题,或者带着你的问题去学习全新的技术。」周六早上工作的「优势」——没人干扰,不必墨守成规,以一个局外人的视角工作。


艺术史学家萨拉·刘易斯(Sarah Lewis)说,「初学者」(amateur)一词的起源并非贬义,而是源自拉丁语,意思是衷心热爱某项活动并为之努力的人。「创新与精通的矛盾在于,当你走上某一道路时,突破出现了,但是又会偏离原本的路径,伪装成你刚刚才开始一样。」






你应该和昨天的自己比较,而不是和那些除你之外的年轻人比较。每个人前进的速度不尽相同,所以,不要因为任何人让你自己感觉落后。也许你还不知道自己将去向何方,所以感觉落后于人也没有什么用。我们不如听从埃米尼亚·伊贝拉的建议——主动寻求匹配质量,开始计划一些人生实验。也许,你的实验也可以安排在周五晚上或是周六早晨。 Compare yourself to yourself yesterday, not to younger people who aren’t you. Everyone progresses at a different rate, so don’t let anyone else make you feel behind. You probably don’t even know where exactly you’re going, so feeling behind doesn’t help. Instead, as Herminia Ibarra suggested for the proactive pursuit of match quality, start planning experiments. Your personal version of Friday night or Saturday morning experiments, perhaps.

  1. 费米问题