读到 Bret Victor 在他博客上的目标,实在是振聋发聩。
Short-term: Revolutionize how people learn, understand, and create. Give scientists the tools to diagnose and cure the world's ills, and artists the tools to create and share beauty in ways currently impossible.
Long-term: Reform our infantilized society. Give people the tools to resist and destroy consumer culture (ubiquitous emotionally-manipulative branding and advertising, materialism, artificial fashions) and the corporation's oligarchical control over employment, entertainment, and creativity. Return power, dignity, and responsibility to the individual.
Stretch goal: Fall in love.
不清楚 Bret 具体是什么时候设立了这些目标,也许是10年前,也许是20年前,却与如今 Web3 的目标不谋而合。在我看来,这就是真正的「互联网精神」,值得我们每个人为之所努力。