Ryan Holiday 提到优秀爸爸的20个日常习惯,以此共勉:
They establish rituals. 建立仪式:讲卫生,懂礼貌,生活有规律。 They accept their kids for exactly who they are. 接受孩子做他们自己,无论如何。 They check-in. 时常和孩子聊天,了解他们的情况。 They treat their child’s mother (or father) with respect. 尊重孩子的母亲。 They say “I love you.” 说“我爱你”。 They say “I’m sorry.” 说“对不起”。 They read for themselves and their kids. 热爱阅读,并与孩子一起阅读。 They workout. 锻炼。 They give themselves credit. 相信自己可以照顾好孩子。 They laugh. 开怀大笑。 They ask for help. 愿意寻求帮助。 They know they are their child’s greatest teacher. 知道他们是孩子最伟大的老师。 They never stop learning. 从不停止学习。 Remembers What It Is Like to Be a Kid. 记得自己童年的快乐,懂得如何让孩子快乐。 Shows Unconditional Love. 提供无条件的爱。 They Do Something Fun. 做有趣的事情。 They work. 努力工作。 They walk with their children. 和孩子一同散步。 They put the day up for review. 共同回顾一天,并改进。 They sleep. 重视睡眠。
Children test our patience. They push every button. They make us proud. They make us worry. They make our hearts burst with love. They drive us absolutely nuts. Usually all in the same day. But if we let it, our kids make us better people – more accepting, more forgiving, more caring towards all children, not just our own. What makes a dad great? He recognizes what a privilege it is to be someone’s father. And he remembers it every day.